Detoxing is a popular word these days. Celebrities use the word to refer to so-called detox diets that promise weight loss between 10- 20 pounds in two weeks. These rapid weight loss regimens can deprive you of crucial nutrients and calories, forcing your body into starvation mode. You do lose weight, but as your metabolism slows, the pounds eventually come back. As a holistic health coach, I do not promote these types of detox programs. When I use the word “detox” I am referring to “cleansing”, eliminating toxins from the body, thereby promoting weight loss, and improving overall health.
We are not only exposed to toxins in our food and the water we drink but also in the products and energy we consume. Toxins are found in household cleaners, mattresses, beauty products, household cleaners ―and even in foods and products from natural sources. Being surrounded by chemicals can have some harmful effects on your health. However, there are steps you can take to avoid toxins as well as make proper choices that can minimize your exposure to these toxins.
Detoxing through the diet is a powerful tool to recharge, rejuvenate, and renew your body and skin from the inside out. Anyone can benefit from this type of cleansing. Think of it as a jump-start to the body for a more active, healthier life.
What Detoxing Isn’t
Our detox programs are not about depriving yourself of certain foods or activities - rather taking better care of your body and mind so that you feel great every day. It involves eating whole foods that are packed with nutrients that nourish the body's most important detoxifying organs—liver, lungs, kidneys, and colon—by allowing these vital organs to work more efficiently.
The key to comfortable cleanse is to ease yourself into the program so that your body does not shock the body. Five days before you begin your detox plan, we suggest eliminating alcohol, coffee, dairy, soy, gluten, red meat, refined carbs and sugars, saturated fats, and all processed foods. These can, and often add toxins in your body.
If you are not ready to give up caffeine altogether, switch to lower-caffeine drinks like green tea, white tea, or matcha. If you do not normally eat a lot of fiber, it may take a few days for your body to adjust. To stimulate your digestive system, try sipping on herbal tea such as ginger, peppermint, or chamomile.
The 7-Day Summer Detox Program
If your body feels heavy or sluggish, why not try a short-term detox plan to boost wellness? Summer is the perfect time to cleanse your body – to eat cleaner, more fresh food, rid your environment of toxins, get active and restart your system.
For a smarter approach to detoxing, forget the latest fads that can lead to unhealthy eating patterns and follow a more sensible plan that requires simple food modifications and encourages you to get back to healthy-eating basics and make a long-lasting impact on your wellbeing.
The First Wave Wellness 7-Day Get Ready for Summer Detox Program is filled with delicious, seasonal vegetables that will aid your body in naturally removing toxins. By eliminating less healthy foods and focusing on nutrient-rich whole foods your body will feel better. Taking a short break from your normal eating pattern can also help you to experiment with new fruits or vegetables, whole grains, and plant-based oils.
If the thought of a permanent diet overhaul seems overwhelming, this short detox may provide you with an opportunity to improve your nutritional intake to boost wellness. By day four or five of this detox diet, you will begin to feel more energetic and notice your digestion improving. If you like the way it feels, you may feel motivated to make changes that stick. Visit our website to learn more about our 7-Day Get Ready for Summer Detox program.
A seven-day detox may not be for everyone. If you have chronic health conditions such as liver disease, diabetes, cancer, kidney disease, or an eating disorder it is crucial to consult your physician before modifying your diet. If you have concerns about making changes to your diet, please talk to your provider to determine whether a seven-day detox is right for you.
Institute for Integrative Nutrition